90-Day Roadmap to Becoming an Independent Full-Stack Web Developer and Start Open Source Contribution !

90-Day Roadmap to Becoming an Independent Full-Stack Web Developer and Start Open Source Contribution !

Are you tired of getting stuck in endless tutorial hell and want to become a proficient full-stack web developer who can tackle real-world challenges? Look no further! Just start this 90-day coding hard challenge that will transform you into an independent full-stack web developer and an open-source contributor. This journey won't be easy, but it will be incredibly rewarding. In this blog, we'll outline the steps and skills you'll need to succeed in this coding hard challenge. We will upload blog for the topic & official documentation which you can refer to master these skills.

Level 1: Master the Fundamentals
Before diving into more complex concepts, it's crucial to have a strong foundation. Focus on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript during these weeks. I will be uploading a great HTML, CSS & JavaScript blog with the best reference documentation, practice questions & assignments which you should complete before moving to next week.

Level 2: Complete Assignments and Practice Regularly
Assignments are the best way to reinforce your learning. Commit to doing 15 hours of practice per week on assignments related to the fundamentals you've learned. Regular practice is key to becoming a proficient developer.

Level 3: Build Projects
Now that you have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, it's time to apply your knowledge. Dedicate 5 hours a week to building projects that incorporate the concepts you've learned. This will help you get comfortable with coding for extended periods. Here we will use vanilla javascript & core fundamentals to build the project. Always remember stronger the fundament, the stronger the development skills

Level 4: Dive into Backend Development
Here we will deep dive into the backend. We will start with Node.js and Express.js & will move to OpenAPI (Swagger), TRPC, and GraphQL which are used by many open-source projects. I know this may sound jargon to many of you. But by learning them you will get extra attention from others & you will get closer to becoming an independent developer. Remember backend development is a crucial part of full-stack development & keep pracing.

Level 5: Database and Frontend Mastery
We will continue our journey by mastering databases like Mongo, MySQL, Postgres, and ORM tools like Prisma. Concurrently, we will also learn frontend development using React.js and Next.js. Understanding both sides of web development is essential for full-stack expertise.

Level 6: Deployment, Testing, and Caching
Now we can call ourselves full-stack developers but knowing a little bit about DevOps can get us extra brownie points. Docker can help us set up our open source repos easily & we can also deploy personal applications on platforms like AWS (EC2) or Vercel and use GitHub CI/CD for continuous integration and deployment. We will all also learn to test with Jest and Cypress and dive into caching using Redis. Remember here our goal is to be an independent developer. With time you will learn all this jargon.

Level 7: Explore More Tools
Here we are finally ready to contribute but still repository looking too overwhelming, What to do? Let's get familiar with TurboRepo, basically how different project uses monolithic architecture & what the file structure of this application.

Now we are Ready.

Throughout the Journey: Network and Stay Focused
Networking is crucial in the tech industry. Message five people every day and send LinkedIn requests to professionals in the field. Building relationships can open up opportunities.

Remember, it's normal to encounter failures and setbacks. Don't let them discourage you. Keep pushing forward, and eventually, you'll overcome obstacles.

Lastly, don't leave projects incomplete. Finish what you start, even if it's challenging. Completing projects will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you learn and grow.

Let go on the 90-day journey together to become an independent fullstack web developer and open-source contributor is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By following this roadmap and focusing on official documentation, you'll acquire the skills and mindset needed to excel in the world of web development.

Don't forget to share your progress with the community using hashtags like #sourceopen, #90codehard, and #documentationbasedlearning on Twitter and LinkedIn. Good luck with your coding hard challenge!